Double Chocolate Protein Freezer Fudge (Gluten Free, Vegan)

This post is features product generously gifted from Caveman Foods, but all opinions, thoughts and photos are my own. 

Craving gluten free fudge or freezer fudge -- but trying to eat healthier? Then this double chocolate protein freezer fudge needs to land on your to-do list, ASAP! This double chocolate protein fudge is super creamy with bites of crunchy and chewy protein bar, and you'd never guess this freezer fudge is gluten free, vegan and so easy to make.

AD: Craving fudge but eating more #healthy? You'll love this #vegan #glutenfree chocolate #protein fudge! Perf for #postworkout or #preworkout!

Not only is this double chocolate protein freezer fudge gluten free, but it's also:

  • Vegan and allergy-friendly 
  • Super easy to make - you just throw most of it in a blender!
  • Crazy delicious...even if you don't love coconut (you can't even taste the condensed coconut milk!)
  • Loaded with some extra protein so it's perfect for pre or post workout, or a healthier treat.

Dreamy Gluten Free and Vegan Protein Fudge

3 ripe bananas

1/4 cup chocolate protein powder (I used vegan)

1/4 cup cacao powder

1/4 cup date paste

1 7.4 oz can of condensed coconut milk (melted)

3 TBSP coconut flour

1 TBSP water

1 Caveman Foods Chocolate Salted Caramel Protein Bar

AD: Craving fudge but eating more #healthy? You'll love this #vegan #glutenfree chocolate #protein fudge! Perf for #postworkout or #preworkout!

How to Make Your Double Chocolate Protein Fudge

Like most of the gluten free and vegan recipes I share, this one is super easy to make!

First blend together all the ingredients except the protein bar.

Then pour three quarters of the batter into a lined 9X9 baking tray. Cut one Caveman Foods protein bar into pieces and sprinkle most on the batter. Pour the remaining batter on top, add the final pieces of the bar and place in freezer overnight or until set. Then cut into cubes and store in fridge or freezer! 

If You Make This Gluten Free Chocolate Protein Fudge, Definitely Let Me Know What You Think!

AD: Craving fudge but eating more #healthy? You'll love this #vegan #glutenfree chocolate #protein fudge! Perf for #postworkout or #preworkout!

If you do try making this vegan protein fudge for yourself, let me know by tagging me (collegeceliackc) on Instagram or Facebook (at Casey the College Celiac).

And tell me below...what's your fave chocolatey dessert?


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  2. Looking Yummy!

    I have bought whey isolate protein. I will also add whey
    protein powder in it.

  3. A fantastic post for individuals who want to keep their bodies healthy. If you don’t like smoothies, you can replace them with vegan protein powder. After working out, you are correct in taking nutrition and protein, particularly vegan proteins. Personally, I use a vegan protein powder made from plants.

    Read more....

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