Hope for the Exercise Junkie

I want to run. I want to wake up in the morning with my muscles poised and ready for a hard workout. My body, however, has other ideas.

Like sleeping, lounging, and basically exerting the least energy possible. My body has given the reins to celiac disease and trapped my exercise-junkie-brain inside. 

Before my diagnosis, I never stopped moving. I ran, I played soccer, and I always exercised at least half an hour each day. I had muscles, curves, strength. Two months and ten pounds later, not so much. On some days, this lack of strength and energy makes me want to break down and cry. 

One of my more ninja moments six months ago

I can deal with the diet change. I can even deal with the stomach acid and nausea. But you take away my energy, my key to a sweat- soaked daily therapy session, that is just plain wrong


But, like everything Celiac disease throws at us, we can handle it. We become expert linguists on the new language of our body. We compromise, exchanging cardio and running for yoga and swim. And slowly, I believe, the strength and energy will return, if only we let it happen at its own time. 

For me, yesterday was a big step in the right direction. Actually, a lot of steps, which added up to an 8 mile hike with my friends up to the famous Potato Chip Rock. 

Sitting on the famous Potato Chip Rock!

Today, the day after, my whole lower body is cursing the hike. Legs, check! Thighs, check! Butt - don't even ask. 
Yet, even as I cringe, I can't help but smile. I did that. I walked those miles in this new body of mine and I survived

I still have a long way to go, no question, but, this hike gives me hope

Hope that my celiac and exercise junkie will end up sharing my body just fine.

Have you guys had similar issues? What is (was) your biggest challenge with celiacs? Comments welcome! :)


  1. Wow, a 8 mile hike?! I can't even imagine doing that at the beginning of this year, when I was diagnosed. I managed to gain back the muscle I had lost with yoga and now I'm back to being able to work out as much as before, which is fantastic.

  2. I dream of the day I'm able to do crossfit! Lol :P

    When I hit rock bottom, I exercised 1 hour daily at the gym... and had started a month before with Insanity workouts... now I'm happy if I run 5 minutes. I miss my exercise junkie, it seems she doesn't want to come back.

  3. Hopefully you're able to find a balance between the two!

    p.s. that rock is awesome!

    1. Thanks girl! And, yep, potato chip rock is pretty cool!


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